Those are some of my shots taken in Toronto during the G8~G20, I think the protesters were addressing fundamental point on which in most part I do agree, but the form that the demonstration took it's for my opinion FAR to be successful at all.
The main problem I've witnessed are the lack of a common goal, and therefore a slogan, I've heard dozen of slogan that not very likely will be remembered or less coax the masses, which is the ultimately key, since just with the support of the biggest part of the population something could change for real.
And here rise the second failure of this demonstration: The pacific activists didn't separate themselves from the violent, resulting with the masses being scared of those form of protest, and quickly forgetting why so many people gather there on the first place.
We need to condemn the violent and achieve single objectives at once, and then move on never losing appetite for more rights~! Bu we can do that only if unite~!

~Greetings from Toronto~

Guitar Hero

This woman asserted one of the police in service was actually her son... I actually didn't find out if was a true story or not

this cute girl was playing a pretty sad requiem, and stop just to offer me a smile : )